Sunday, December 29, 2019

3 ways to manage up when you have a bad boss

3 ways to manage up when you have a badeanstalt boss3 ways to manage up when you have a bad bossOne of the tests of being a leader is knowing how to navigate a boss who doesnt score highly as a leader him/herself.1. Manage yYourselfStart from the perspective that the disconnect might be a miscommunication. I want to make sure I understand what you need from me. Then clarify.If you internalize a bad bosss anger, insecurity or lack of skill you could allow your weaknesses to show instead of your strengths to shine. Their lack of confidence, disorganization or lack of inclusiveness is about them. Not you. Dont mirror their insecurity. Be self-aware. Who are you when under fire? How do you demonstrate grace and grit executive presence? If your work life were a movie who would play you and what would he/she do in your situation?Be a mindful third-party observer of your own thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself what is really going on with you? What are you afraid of? That you wont get reco gnition for your work? Is recognition the only qualifier of good work? What strength can you draw on that never lets you down?Before you act pause and take a deep breath. The sacred pause allows you to squeeze in between the moment you feel an emotion (frustration, anger, overwhelmed) and react to it (say something youll regret, get emotional, withdraw and doubt yourself.)2. Whats the driver?What is behind your leaders conduct? All bad behavior is the result of an intrinsic motivator. If you were to strip away the outside faades of bullying, apathy, criticalness, sweety nice, indecision, micromanaging, etc. what is left? Put yourself in her shoes?What is he afraid of?What keeps her up at night?What does he not understand that you can help clarify?What does he really care about?What would she like mora of? Less of?How does he measure success?Deep listen for cues that demonstrate what he doesnt want. How do you position your work and interactions to accommodate her thoughts and feelin gs?3. Have Their BackThis is the number one law of power. Have your bosss back. Trust is crucial especially for an insecure leader. If your boss is doing something unethical then you should look for another position because your values will be in constant misalignment with him/her, leading to stress and unhappiness. Otherwise, except that the situation is difficult and that you are self-aware enough to address it with a fresh perspective. Focus on having your boss trust you. Once he knows your top motive is to help position his success, he will expect only good things from you and stop leading from a fear perspective.Preface strained interactions with genuine statements that underscore that she can rely on you. Because I know that we want the team to______ or I know that this is a priority so ___ or I want you to be positioned well on this _____. Be straightforward. I have your back.If after executing these strategies nothing changes seek informal mentors within the organization fr om whom you can learn. Have lunch with them once a month. Once they see your abilities and desire to grow they will become allies that can help position you for advancement to another role.MarywindschattenGannon, ACC, CAEis an executive coach and corporate CEO who helps busy leaders get off the treadmill to nowhere to be more effective, earn more, bemore calm and enjoyconnected relationships with the people who matter while it still matters.Watch her FREE Master Class training on Three Things to Transform Your Life and Career Right Now

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Careers in Law and Science

Careers in Law and ScienceCareers in Law and ScienceIncreased interest in biotechnology, the pervasiveness of biotechnology products in daily life, and escalating numbers of patent filings and intellectual property (IP) infringement cases, has caused a high demand for lawyers with scientific/ technology backgrounds. For anyone considering alternative careers in biotechnology, the marriage of behauptung two disciplines in a course of study can almost guarantee employment after graduation. In a recent interview with the University of Guelph Alumni magazine Portico, patent lawyer Maria Granovsky described her first employer in the legal field, law firm Sterne Kessler, Goldstein Fox (Washington, DC), as keen to have associates who could argue the fine points of science. So keen, in fact, that they paid her tuition to attend law school. The Marriage of Law and Science Job opportunities, for individuals with both legal and scientific backgrounds, include work as a technical specialist (science degree) or associate (both degrees), dealing in IP cases such as patent, copyright and trademark disputes. The cases might be opened on behalf of clients already holding rights to a product or copyright, that have reason to claim those rights have been infringed by another party. Other times, clients might require protection from a lawsuit filed by another party whose patent claim, they feel, is invalid. Many complications in establishing IP ownership can arise nowadays because of the sheer volume of patent claims being made and difficulty on the part of both researchers and regulating bodies, in keeping track of the specifics of (and ensuring the uniqueness of) each invention. An invention that has already been previously described in the literature, or something that has been on the market for years, cannot be patented, yet the filing party, or patent office, might not be aware of the pre-existing product. Thats when the lawyers are called in to examine the facts, deciph er the legal jargon, establish precedence, and defend their cases in court. According to Granovsky, law firms are having a hard time finding individuals with a solid understanding of the technology behind many of these high-tech cases. Committee on Science, Technology, and Law The National Academy of Sciences has recognized the convergence of these two very different disciplines by forming a Committee on Science, Technology and Law, to explore, discuss, and establish policies on five major areas Science in Litigation, Federal Information Policy/ Access to Research Data, Science and National Security, Intellectual Property Rights and Protection of Human Participants in Environmental Research. According to the Academy, much of the problem with legal cases surrounding technology issuesis the key difference between how these two traditional disciplines have evolved. The practice of Law is based on facts and finite findings in an effort to resolve issues that might not have definitiv e answers according to science. Science, traditionally, is a discipline of sharing information, and an open-ended search for expanded understanding, whose truths are always subject to revision. Expanding commercialism and the need to recover biotechnology investments and research funding through profits, has lead to the invasion of the scientific domain by legal issues surrounding IP, access to research data and conflicts of interest. Although science may have done without lawyers in the past, there are now many important bioethics issues that must be dealt with in areas of environmental science, biotechnology, genetics, and medical research. Success in either discipline depends on an ability to go fact-finding gathering information and processing it in an orderly fashion. Both require a high amount of logic and attention to detail. Therefore, strengths in one area are easily applied to the other. A combined Science/Law degree provides essential tools for many other career options s uch as consulting, corporate management and other areas of technology. Its not all glamor and courtroom heroics, though. Like any job, much of the routine involves attending meetings, seeing clients, research, and reading, writing letters and reviewing contracts and other documents, but the job description is ideal for those interested in studying science but looking for a career outside the laboratory.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

4 Signs Your Resume Isnt Ready to Be Submitted

4 Signs Your Resume Isnt Ready to Be Submitted4 Signs Your Resume Isnt Ready to Be Submitted3Youve found it- the perfect job.Youre immediately overcome with a sense of urgency. You need to submit your materials before the application period closes or theres way too much competition ahead of you in the pipeline.Youre ready to hit that submit button and cross your fingers that you hear something in response. But wait First, you need to slow down and make sure that your resume is equally as perfect as that job.Four signs your resume isnt ready to be submitted1. You havent proofread it yet.Heres a pop quiz how many mistakes or typos is your resume allowed to have? If you guessed zero, youre correct.This means you need to invest a significant amount of time in proofreading your resume. Make sure to double-check areas that frequently get missed, like confirming that your employment dates are correct or changing verbs to past tense for any jobs youre no longer working.When youve finished ma king those tweaks, read your resume backwards (from the bottom up) to force yourself to pay close attention to each and every line. You can even enlist the help of a few friends to read through your document and catch any errors that might kurze unterhose right by you.2. You havent compared it with the job description.The goal of your resume is to prove that youre a relevant fit for the exact job youre applying for, and theres no way that one generic resume can do that for every single position.Before submitting your materials, take a fine-tooth comb to the job description and pull out any key skills or terms that are emphasized. Provided that you honestly possess those qualifications, those should be included on your own document. Not only does it draw these parallels and illustrate that you meet the qualifications, but injecting those terms will also help get you past any applicant tracking systems (ATS) the employer might have in place.3. You havent tried the six-second test.Stat istics say that recruiters spend only an average of six seconds looking at your resume before deciding whether or not to move forward with an interview.Pause and count to six right now. Thats hardly any time at all, right? In order to make an impact in this amount of time, your resume not only needs to be polished, properly formatted, and visually appealing, but it also needs to be skimmable so that the hiring manager can understand your highlights immediately.Are you calling attention to your most impressive skills at the top of your key skills section? Are your most relevant responsibilities listed right underneath your previous job titles? Challenge yourself to look at your own resume for only six seconds (set a timer) and notice what things catch your attention. Dont be afraid to move things around and try some changes so that you can make the absolute most of that short amount of time.4. You havent double-checked the directions.Employers might have certain requirements for your resume. For example, perhaps they only accept PDFs or they want you to use a specific file name.Turn your attention to the application instructions one more time and ensure that youve followed all of them (yes, every single one of them) exactly. Failing to pay attention to those types of directions will get your resume tossed into the recycling bin without so much as a second look.When youre excited to apply for a job, its tempting to send off your resume as quickly as you can. But that rapid-fire approach means you might actually apply with a document that only sabotages your chances of landing an interview. Keep an eye out for these four signs that your resume isnt quite ready to be submitted, and then take a little more time to review and make some changes. Trust me, youll be glad you did.Wish you could talk over your resume with someone?SIGN UP FOR CAREER COACHING

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Life and Family Challenges With Flexible Work Schedules

Life and Family Challenges With Flexible Work SchedulesLife and Family Challenges With Flexible Work SchedulesEmployers agree on the life and family advantages of flexible work schedules for employees. The flexibility allows employees latitude when children are sick, for doctors appointments, teacher conferences, and the myriad of life and family responsibilities with which work competes. Employers are not quite as convinced about the advantages to employers of life and family flexibility. You can address this concern with policies and guidelines about life and family promoting flexible schedules. Survey Supports the Need for Flexible Work Schedules According to a FlexJobs survey, Working parents rank work-life balance (84 percent) ahead of salary (75 percent) when considering whether or not to take a job. Work-life balance welches also named the top reason working parents seek flexible work, followed by family, time savings, and commuting stress. The survey found 40% of parents who took a break in their career after having kids wanted to keep working but said their job was too inflexible to stay in the workforce.65% who took a break in their career after having kids said it was difficult to restart their career.69% of working parents have left or considered leaving a job because it lacked flexibility.Among working moms, 29% said they had felt discriminated against in the workplace because of their gender, and 15% said they had felt somewhat discriminated against in the workplace because of their gender. Only 17% of working parents said they didnt believe the gender pay gap and gender inequality were problems in the workplace.62% of working parents think they are more productive working from home than in a traditional workplace.Working parents are much more interested in telecommuting (82%) and flexible schedules (74%) than in freelancing (48%). Frequently Asked Questions About Flexible Work Schedules Here are more frequently asked questions about flexi ble schedules. What types of flexible work schedules are available for employees? Depending on the flexible work schedule type the employee has negotiated with the employer, life and family responsibilities impact the employee in different ways. Employees who have arranged a compressed or four day week, or flexible daily hours, can normally work life and family responsibilities into their scheduled time off. Teleworking employees have a different challenge. But, all parents face the challenge of child care in an unusual situation. Question Is every employee a candidate for a flexible work schedule? That depends on your policy and the past actions of your organizations managers and supervisors. If flexible hours are generally available to employees, all employees should be eligible. It is up to the organization to develop a policy that states how this flexibility will work in your organization. Ask questions such as can every employee come and go at will? Or, does every employee need to inform his supervisor about his hours and arrive and leave as scheduled. If unexpected life and family events cause an employee to arrive late or leave early, how does your organization want this handled? An email, IM, phone call or text message to the supervisor? Its important to communicate appropriate procedure to employees. A compressed week may not work for every employees job, so youll want to write a policy that states which jobs, if any, are eligible for a four-day work week. Because of disparate treatment and employees feelings about fairness, employers may decide that no employees are eligible for a four-day work week. In other organizations, particularly that use shift work, the four-day work week may make sense. Special Life and Family Needs of Teleworking Teleworking is the most challenging of the flexible work schedules. Successful teleworking requires An employee who is willing to work independently and alone and has the appropriate traits and characteristics for a successful long distance relationship,An employee who can compartmentalize his life. (Yes, home repairs may be calling, but he doesnt answer the call.)A manager who is willing to communicate electronically and who is comfortable supporting an offsite employee, andA certain level of trust that the employee will succeed on the desired measurable goals and outcomes and that the manager will provide the level of support necessary for the employee to succeed. Consequently, you will need a teleworking policy that allows the employee to apply for teleworking, but the employer must grant permission. The employer retains the right to agree or disagree with the employee teleworking at any time during the relationship. Question How should an employer handle employee time in unusual childcare situations such as a sick child who cannot go to daycare? Can the parent work from home? On days when childcare arrangements are interrupted by issues such as a closed daycare facility or a sick chi ld, require that the employee take a sick day, vacation day or PTO time to parent. Allow employees to use time in half-day increments, so the employee is not penalized when the childcare is a shared responsibility. It is unfair to an employer that an employee can care for children while he or she is working. Question How should telecommuting employees handle childcare arrangements? Researching life and family-friendly flexible scheduling presented several controversial viewpoints. On the one hand, several organizations allowed employees to work at home so they could spend more time with their children. Other organizations required alternative child care arrangements, by policy, for employees who worked from home part-time or full-time. For telecommuting arrangements to work for the employer, the second method is preferred. Require, by policy, that an employee makes childcare arrangements that allow the employee to concentrate on their work fully. Even if the caregiver and the childr en are in the home, the parent can still work uninterrupted yet, still have more time at lunch and breaks with the children.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Upside to Google Docs Templates Resume

The Upside to Google Docs Templates Resume The Nuiances of Google Docs Templates Resume Proofreading is crucial in every formal document, particularly for a cover letter. Almost it needs to have a cover letter. As aforementioned, this sort of resume needs a different format in comparison to normal resumes. Your invoice doesnt need to be bland. Choose a template you want. Template is completely editable. Templates are able to help you structure your letter and resume so they are well organized. So you ought to use a tried-and-true template to make it simpler. Just scroll down until you discover a section named Resumes or CVs, based on where you are. Note the method by which the education section is concise and just lists key information. Check to be sure youre providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill platzsets concerning application requirements. Therefore, all the information you want to include must fit into this space. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Google Docs Templates Resume More than a few companies have created add-ons that you are able to download with resume or CV templates, usually free of charge. So you need a unique, beautiful certificate which you are proud to give. You wont need to be worried about issuing your next invoice statement. More advanced invoice demands invoice generating software thats available in the marketplace which gives offer enhanced options. The Advantages of Google Docs Templates Resume Lets look at a mixture of free Google Docs and Microsoft Word templates. The 1 downside to internet document systems such as Google Drive is that you must have accessibility to the web to use them. After youve registered, you will be in a position to access your Google Drive any time which youre online. Google Docs letter templates supply you with a coordinated look to coincide with the manner of your resume. If youre unfamiliar with using Google Docs, the formatting features are easy to use. If youre using mobile phone, you may also utilize menu drawer from browser. This guide is going to cover how to access google resume templates, outline the advantages of each one, and supply some expert strategies for using them. While this in-depth guide will help you select the proper google docs resume template, our experts have prepared templates which will enable you to make your resume very quickly. Whether you offer goods or services this month-to-month budget template can help set you on the path to success. Our project managers are prepared to connect you with a stellar design group and the fastest outsourcing service on the internet. Travel budget Sometimes even utilizing a template is an intimidating practice. Keeping up a budget is particularly important if running a small business. Hiring agents typically consider the headshot at first before reading the resume so that you need to make sure to attach your best one. This template is most effective for experienced h ires that have a wealth of experience. Whichever service you decide on, I cant overstate the worth of employing an expert job resume template. The Advantages of Google Docs Templates Resume The last point to keep in mind is to specify how the payment is made. Ensure you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about It makes the entire editing process a lot more convenient, and you wont need to fret about your friend making changes you dont approve of. If youre making a number of versions of your resume or cover letter, be certain to label each one with a particular title which will help you remember which is which (including the title of the job that youre applying for). Also, though you should always create a special and customized resume for every single organization you apply to, should you plan to send the exact saatkorn one to do different businesses, make certain you still create two distinct docs. Several firms are now conducting their job searches on the internet to save costs. Make certain you get the information youre looking for. Therefore, before you create your resume public, be absolutely sure you need your resume and all the personal details on it available to anybody and everyone on the web. In the folder you will locate links to the internet instructions and links to the templates. When you have suggestions for templates that you want to use, please speak to us. The templates are made in a way that they make the resume be noticeable. These templates help ensure you do precisely that. Sheets enables you to collaborate, but collaboration is simply like the organization that follows. So long as you use the correct info, youre wind up with a professional document that will impress any hiring manager. Use one of these templates to create the process simpler to handle. How to Get Started with Google Docs Templates Resume? If youre not achieving the results that you want, you can revisit the template to check you have not overlooked something or misinterpreted whats required. No matter your degree of work experience, your resume structure is critical to making your program stick out. In any event, making the template shouldnt be such a complicated job. Whether you require a resume at this time or if youre making one proactively, theres a choice to suit your requirements.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why Everybody Is Talking About Resume Accent...The Simple Truth Revealed

Why Everybody Is Talking About Resume Accent...The Simple Truth Revealed If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Resume Accent Occasionally a chronological resume is actually expected be a specific employee. In some instances, you may use your American resume with hardly any alterations. In the USA and Canada, theres a difference between a CV and a resume. In america, the primary difference between a CV and a resume is the intention behind the documents. All About Resume Accent Theres both art and science to resume formatting, so if you would like to learn all the the inner workings, this guide is going to teach you the best way to format a resume in 2019. It adds just a little style whilst still keeping the total presentation very businesslike. Your resume will certainly stick out in a pile filled with more conventional approaches. Your resume or CV may be among the fruchtwein important projects you ever design. Regardless of whether you take advantage of a CV or resume, you have to thoroughly edit your document. You cannot utilize XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX with these kinds of files, however. HTML is utilized to create virtually every page you see on the internet. See the fontspec documentation for more information. The Nuiances of Resume Accent There is a possibility that adding colour into your resume will help you distinguish yourself from the crowd. Keep in mind that accents seem good on paper, but onscreen, they have a tendency to produce things more difficult to read. Needless to say, you have to first recognize the color that most represents your private brand. Either way is fine, be absolutely certain to apply color purposefully and not only for the interest of including it in your design. The Ugly Secret of Resume Accent Employers dont need to squint. Job searchers have plenty of choices when it has to do with creating their resume. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often theyre utilized to secure new employment. They may be organized in different ways. Keep it simple by employing clear fonts including Arial. Clearly, it would be hard to try to remember a ton of ASCII codes for different accented letters, but in case you regularly use a few, it truly simplifies the entire process. The row of numbers at the peak of the keyboard, over the alphabet, will not operate for numeric codes. Or, you might write a resumein order to submit an application for work. At the exact same time, you wish to provide a positive first impression that youre a severe job candidate. In the majority of instances, its created so as to enable a candidate to land a new job. Be certain to click over toStepan Dihichs portfolio to have a look at his whole layout, his piece is really sweet